Emotions and Cognizance : The spectacle that it makes of life !!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Short Skirts

Short skirts have always fascinated me. Men in general are all the time interested in the opposite sex’s anatomical details. One of my closest friend had written in my class Xth scrapbook, ” Girls in minis...mmmm..I love them.”
You must be wondering about this sudden change in the kind of topic I have picked to blog upon. Although its least probable that you might have read any of my blogs.. :( .. but still earlier ones were high in philosophical content.
I go on morning walks daily to burn off the extra fat I have amassed during one year of my complete inactivity. School children wait for their buses along the road. What struck me the most is the size of skirts the girls are wearing these days, the average size has certainly gone down ( or should I say up ) by about two inches from the time I was a school boy.
Don’t form opinions about me. I am not a paedophile, you will agree as you read further.
In school, the popularity of a girl was inversely proportional to her skirt size. I clearly remember how much above knee, the cloth ended for almost each girl of my class. I also precisely remember where the most popular girls of other classes, mostly seniors stood during assembly. That vital length between the knee and the threshold of the skirt was the kind of a signature of each girl. I could recognise each girl by just looking there. Those girls who wore skirts longer than the knee length were nonexistent for me. Going by my recent observations, such species of girls are now extinct. The skirts now are definitely on an average of mid-thigh length.
I won’t discuss various ways boys all around the globe have developed to peek outside in. If you are a boy, you certainly know few of them and if you are a girl, you definitely know all of them. Be it looking up the stairs or be it picking up something from beneath the desk, each one was master of one.
Before you start branding me or my whole such community MCP (Male chauvinist pig) or cheap, let’s look at it differently. There is no reason why a girl should expose three fourth of her legs on a cold winter morning. If there is no limit to how small a skirt may be, there is also no limit on how long it can be. Summers, I can understand, but winters? Women liberation? Ah, no.. these are middle or upper class teenage girls, don’t get too serious.
If you closely observe the condition of skirts, most girls probably stop buying new skirts from class IX onwards. The condition is even worse* for the P.T. dress, a lot of excuse can be made, after all you have to wear it only once a week, why bother buy a new one? (* read shorter)
So, do they enjoy this, boys ogling at them? Only they can answer.
Biologically speaking, girls of same age are much smarter and mature than boys for the most part of the teenage and even beyond it. Let me tell you a little story.
There was this girl in my class IX and X. Two fingers above the knee. Broad legs, slightly muscular. Oh,yes.. I forgot to tell, the signature used to be on the back side of knee. From the front, they all look similar, on the back, they are sexier and distinctive. Moreover, girl will never know where you are looking at, and from the front, ALWAYS look into their eyes..I will come to this later.
There was this girl. She was the class monitor. We had four rows of benches in our class and each bench accommodated two students. I sat on the first row, second last bench. My friend who wrote- minis, mmm.. sat beside me by the wall. One day she came towards our bench, looked at the other side and started making some announcement. Slowly she leaned back on the last desk, a part of her hip on the last desk and some part..bingo..it touched my shoulder. I should have moved in, only I didn’t. Honestly, it was more out of panic than anything else. I thought she wouldn’t notice if I keep sitting like a statue. And she didn’t.
I have rarely felt such guilt that I felt that day. I could not dare to look at her again. Later it became routine. Whenever she had to make announcements or say anything, she would always lean on the last desk, rested her hips partly on the desk and partly it invariably touched me. I never shifted on my bench and she never complained. Guilt was always there but I also started enjoying it. It’s a kind of feeling which I am sure you all must have had.
For the whole two years, I always felt that it was my fault. I used her. I had fallen. It was much later while reflecting back to my old days did I realise that she was indeed smarter. She was the hunter. Or am I really the pig?
Anyways, girls were more mature.
Coming back to my observations, I have felt that the sexier the girl is, the more popular she is, the lonelier she is. Such girls will always have fewer friends, will talk less. If you will look at them, in their eyes, they will shy away. Are they the most insecure?
With age I have discovered that looking into the eyes reveals much more than looking at the signature.
The skirt obsession of the teen years is really no one’s fault. Its the changing hormones that make both boys and girls do so.. When in doubt, blame biology.. :)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Have you ever wondered how it feels to be lost on a straight path! You always know where you are going to end and you are damn sure of where you started, just you don't know when will the journey end. There is a mystery in the simplicity of the path. Your mind asks you to keep going but only if people would have learned to mind their minds..

You get lost only because you can not think, circumstances force you not to think, you think not to think. This is strange but quite true. Its always in our hands to motivate ourselves but this is rarely easy. You go on doing a thing and when it starts seeming endless that you start bothering that what the hell is going on! Instead of thinking what to think, you start thinking what not to think and then a simple straight path starts looking like a matrix maze.

Solution is obvious.